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Online-Vortrag: Innovation in Germany


Datum & Zeit | 08.12.2020 

       16:00 (chinesische Zeit )

       09:00 (deutsche Zeit)

Plattform | zoom

Meeting-ID |649 779 27041

Password |  763351

Link | https://zoom.com.cn/j/64977927041

Sprache | Englisch

In the latest Global Innovation Report of the World Economic Forum Germany was elected as the most innovative country in the world, listed before the USA and Switzerland. How is that possible, and what are the reasons? Germany is actually a big economic Nation. And the economic success of this country is mainly based upon innovation. Without this innovative power Germany would be lost in worldwide competition: this country has not so much raw materials, the territory is just 4% of China´s area, and the labor costs are very high. This means a global cost leadership strategy is more or less impossible for most of the German enterprises.

In my presentation I want to show you the basics of German innovativeness and how it is supported by the National Innovation System (NIS). Furthermore, I will provide some examples how companies are managing innovation in different fields.

Prof. Dr. Werner Fees lehrt an der TH Nürnberg. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Innovationsmanagement, China Management und Industrie 4.0.

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