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Comparative Study on Architecture in China and Germany | 2018 fall semester




The course, “Comparative Study on Architecture in China and Germany”, has been given for more than ten years and experiences several editions. Based on combination of three teaching modules, combination of fixed curriculum and flexible lectures and combination of students and professors, the course focuses on continuing development. In the main courses, Prof. Li analyses the differences and similarities between architecture in China and Germany in forms of influence between each other, architectural history, architecture after Word War II, urban development, residential development and composite factors and Prof. Cai in forms of city form and urban design. The course also invites famous professors and architects from home and abroad, expanding the view of the course to areas like architectural culture and urban renewal.






NameComparative Study on Architecture in China and Germany

ModeratorProf. LI Zhenyu

DateThu. 19:00-20:35

LocationLecture Room D1, 5F, Building D, CAUP

StudentMaster candidate in CAUPWelcome all







Prof. LI Zhenyu "Comparative Study on Architecture in China and Germany, 6 Lectures"

Prof. CAI Yongjie "Comparative Study on Urban Design in China and Germany, 2 Lectures"



Guest Lecture



Nikolaus Goetzegmp)“GMP in China and Winter Olympics Architecture


Frank KruegerLogon)"Sustainable Architecture in day to day business in China"


Wu Gang (WSP) "Comparative Study on Architecture in China and Germany - The Architecture Practice of WSP"


Deng Feng "Ecological Housing in Germany"


Chen Libin ( David Chipperfield Architects) "Ten Years Working in China"


Dual-Master Degree Chinese StudentsTongji  "From the view of Chinese students in Germany"


14 Lectures,1 Field Trip,3 Student Presentations

Paper Hand-in (Jan. 17. 2019)

