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Professor Du Jianzhong puts forward a new strategy for the treatment of diabetes - "sugar treatment"


Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by high blood sugar, which seriously affects human health. At present, patients of type 1 diabetes need frequent injections of insulin, and type 2 diabetes patients need to take long-term hypoglycemic agents.


Professor of Tongji University Department of Polymer Materials and the tenth People's Hospital of Tongji University, expert of the Recruitment Program of Global Experts in Shanghai, Du Jianzhong research group designed breathing sugar capsules (also known as a nano sugar sponge), which can automatically inhale glucose and store it as the blood glucose concentration rises, and automatically exhale glucose when the blood glucose concentration decreases, so as to maintain blood sugar stability. The blood sugar regulatory function of the vesicle is realized by dynamic replacement of sugar polymer on the vesicles and lectin of blood glucose and vesicles, which is sugar treatment.

The paper was published on May 16, 2017, in the top chemical journal, Journal of the American Chemical Society (Y. F. Xiao, H. Sun, J. Z. Du*, Sugar-Breathing Glycopolymersomes for Regulating Glucose Level, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b03219). Graduate students Xiao Yufen and Sun Hui of Department of Polymer Materials, Tongji University, are the first authors of the paper, while Professor Du Jianzhong is listed as a communication author.